THE GLASS INDUSTRY´S PREMIER TRADE SHOWS: GlassBuild America and Glasstec are here !

  A frenetic end of the year awaits us with the arrival of the two most significant trade shows for the glass industry: GlassBuild America and Glasstec. These events serve as vital platforms for industry professionals to connect, showcase new products, and discuss emerging trends , and how could it be otherwise, from Tecglass Digital Printing by Fenzi Group we will be attending  both events together with the Fenzi Group.

 We would like to give you a summary of what you can find in both fairs by Tecglass, and as usual , we really look forward to reconnect with all our customers and visitors to show our latest developments in digital printing technology during these two exciting editions that lie ahead. 

GlassBuild America , the largest annual trade show in North America dedicated to the glass, window, and door industries and that this year premieres its Dallas (TX) edition. The event will take place from Mon-Wed, Sept. 30-Oct. 2 at Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas – Texas.

  With more than 9,000 visitors per edition and more than 490 exhibitors, Glass Build America has once again become, as every year, the reference event in America for the glass industry, an unmissable show for a market in continuous growth and importance for Tecglass, and for which we have recently strengthened our position for customer service, through the implementation of a business unit in Downingtown (PE), which allows us to provide after-sales service directly from the USA to all our customers and partners.  Visitors may find us at booth 45037 jointly with Fenzi Group.

For this edition at Dallas, we have counted with the cooperation of Precision Glass Industries - - a company headquarter in Houston,          Texas , specialized in fabricating custom high-quality glass solutions, ranging from exquisite shower doors and enclosures to commercial insulated glass, laminated glass, and a variety of glass architectural elements, including railings, wall partitions, and heavy glass entrance systems

Vitor-Jet FS Type digital printer on display during GA.

We have recently forged a new partnership with Precision Glass Industries and we have had its full cooperation to have on display his brand-new digital printer for architectural applications, model Vitro-Jet FS Type for a maximum glass size 2.800 x 6.000 mm.The printer will be on display during the 3 days of the fair performing different exhibitions showing our visitors the great variety of possibilities offered by multicolor printers for different applications. In addition to the digital printer, our sales team will be available to all visitors to present the advantages of digital printing on flat glass and all the opportunities that open up for various markets and applications such as Architecture, Automotive, Commercial Refrigeration and Home Appliances.


Glasstec, held biennially in Düsseldorf, Germany, is the world's leading trade fair for the glass industry. It attracts a global audience, making it a pivotal event for international networking and collaboration bringing together industry professionals, innovators, and thought leaders from around the globe to explore the latest advancements, technologies, and trends in glass production and applications. Glasstec has clearly underscored its relevance for the global glass industry with its restart as a face-to-face trade fair after the pandemic induced break. With more than 936 exhibitors from 47 countries and more than  30,000 visitors from 119 countries make this fair a unique world reference.

 Glasstec will be held from 22-25 October at Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre.  Together with the Fenzi group we will be attending this unmissable event at Hall 16 stand B40, with a booth of more than 1,000 square meters where we will have an impressive set-up with a complete digital line of Vitro-Jet FS Type for maximum glass size 2.500 x 4.500 mm intended for architectural applications and a Single Pass Evolution digital printer for automotive applications on display, both of them performing constant demonstrations during the 4 days of the event.


Complete “Turn-Key” digital printing line of Vitro-Jet FS Type on display during Glasstec

Single Pass Evolution digital printeron display during Glasstec


 Both GlassBuild America and Glasstec play crucial roles in the glass industry, providing platforms truly relevant for innovation, education, and networking with existing customers and new visitors under the same roof.

  Whether in North America or Europe, we invite you to discover a world of digital printing opportunities and we look forward to see you there !

Go Digital !